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kerry A sellers


Born in USA, 1960

2012  Studied at the New York Institute of Photography

Photography is simply seeing. The camera is what brings it to the viewer. Life moves so fast fast to take it all in. With just a click of the camera time can be captured. Captured and admired , adored, studied and whatever emotions are evoked by the image.


I  began shooting photographs long before I decided to study photography. Since taking the decision to study photography I have taken many workshops in and out of Kuwait.  I currently study with New York Institue of Photography , and have no intention to ever stop learning the craft. By now I have at least dabbled in almost all sorts of photography which gives me a wide range of experience.  Beside shooting I take an equal amount of pleasure and interest in the editing/processing of the photographs. Here I can adjust the mood of the photograph and add an artistic flare to it.

 When you hire me to do a shoot for you , you can expect the utmost care and time taken to do the shoot right. I am not an image factory where I pump out the prints. I take my time in editing

to make sure your best side is presented. Whatever your need, I can shoot it for you. I am confident you will be satisfied.





©2012 kerryAsellers

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